Anunnaki, who really were? Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
The Sumerian word Anunna (ki), made in Akkadian with Anunnakkū, indicates in the religions of Mesopotamia the whole or part of the gods. According to US mythologist David Adams Leemings their name recalls Heaven and would consist of Sumerian Origins of God, pointing to the fertile catechism divinities associated with the underworld of which the judges are.
The first appearance of this collective name of Mesopotamian deities appears in the Sumerian religious literature dating to the Ur III period. The relationship between the Anunnaki gods and the Iguana gods is unclear: sometimes the two names are interchangeable, but in the Semitic myth of the Deluge of Atra-ḫasis Igigi are the sixth generation of gods who must work for the Anunnaki; after their rebellion is replaced by humanity, which was created on that occasion.
The Anunnaki are also mentioned in the Epiphany of Gilgamesh, a classic version, so in Akkadian language, when the story of the Deluge is told. According to this tradition, the Anunnaki had burnt the earth before the storm arrived. The Anunnaki appear in the Babylonian poem Enûma Eliš. After the creation of humanity, God Marduk divided the Anunnaki (the “great gods”) into two groups of three hundred gods each and assigned the first group to heaven and to the second the Earth.
By gratitude, the Anunnaki built a new dwelling for the gods Marduk, Enlil and Ea: the temple of Esagila. In Sumerian and Babylonian books, there is growing perplexity, as they are read and translate, there are continuous references to the pyramids of Giza, which the Anunnaki would have built to orient themselves – from the space – and to reach the “space” of Sinai.
These books describe precisely places, buildings, vehicles, and actions… of the Gods. And they do it with a disconcerting detail of details, dates, and names. Only geographic coordinates are missing… but there are other comprehensive alternatives. They refer to our planet as in the seventh of the solar system, as if on a space trip they first saw Pluto, second by Neptune, by Third Uranus… and so on, counting them one after the other, until reaching the Earth, in this way, it was just the seventh!
Many others came after a first coming. Initially, those sent on our planet to settle down had to keep close contact with a “sky” station, where others had the task of watching what was happening “on the ground”. They had established a “base” in the Sinai area, where they landed the first time, another northeast of this, and another west. The author of these sources speaks in detail of the visitors (by calling them Anunnaki, the term translated literally means “Those Who From Heaven Have Diluted on Earth”), and their planet of origin. So, no doubt, they were Astronauts.
Any information about the arrival and installation of these visitors comes from found clay tablets. They might look fantastic stories, and maybe they are. This would be convenient for official science and also for the Church. Maybe its religious fables. The great competence demonstrated in all subjects, including literature, can even presuppose the existence of an epic poem on the type of the Greeks’ Iliad … Perhaps even the Sumerians had their own “Homer”. However, it is still to be meditated on the Sumerian Knowledge of ours and the fact, at least here we all agree that the Sumerians “invented” the writing (in the sense that the earliest testimonies of the world – so far found – of writing are Sumer) .
And these “books” have been written in such a remote past, which corresponds to the epochal period of when man had just emerged from the Stone Age … This makes me think of the Atlantis era, the cosmic disaster, the Djed, the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx … Of course, it is true that there is no “tangible evidence” about the existence of the fantasy planet in orbit between Neptune and Pluto. Or, in other words, the discoveries that would prove its existence are TOP SECRET.
In the planet Nibiru there is a very evolved race of “gods” that moves into space aboard ships and rocket boats in search of enormous quantities of gold, which must be supplied incessantly (perhaps even now) to ensure the survival of inhabitant of their planet. When these divine beings came to Earth, they were called Anunnaki (literally: those who came from the sky on Earth), and settled initially in a fertile valley called Edin (literally the home of the pure ones), near the mountains where they were landed. From here they moved to the Euphrates river, where they founded what is considered the sacred city of the Sumerians, Eridu (literally: a house built away). Two Anunnaki units were set up: one in the sky, with 300 of them commanded by Anu, and one on the ground, with another 600 at the orders of Nergal. The Anunnaki were democratically organized, and Anu – who was the absolute leader – had delegated to a council all the decisions to be taken.
So, continuing the narration, they landed for the first time on our planet in fifty (then they started to come regularly, always to groups of fifty), led by Enlil, the Lord of Cultivation and Command, and by his wife Ninlil. After developing agriculture in the Edin, they decided, together with Enki, the god of wisdom and Lord of all that is below, to populate the land of men. We will understand why in the next lines. Man is created by shaping clay and water. It was called Adama (literally: came from the ground) and it was the first Lulu (literally: the Mixed), that is, a hybrid, born from the Anunnaki crossing with the females of the hominids in eastern Africa. Meanwhile, the “chemical” system to extract gold from the seabed did not yield the expected results, and forced the Anunnaki to resort to mining, or the same one that is still used by us today. This, however, took longer time and was very tiring. Above all, he needed an unexpected number of individuals. A real contingent of maneuvering. The Sumer say that “man was born a slave of the gods”. That is why the gods had the idea of working the “Lulu” in mines – like slaves – in their place. It took many experiments and attempts before the Lulu obtained through genetic manipulation “did well”. And, above all, they increased in number as they had to grow and in the meantime be “created” as much as possible in the lab. The process was complex. The hybridization was to be obtained in vitro, after seed sampling Anunnako. It was then purified and implanted in a female ovum (replanted in an Anunnaka, which served as an incubator). Just as modern genetic engineering science has begun to do today through the sophisticated series of techniques of manipulation and embryonic implants so executed by the Clergy and Ethics. Some Anunnaki females were chosen for the creation of Lulu Amelu (literally: mixed worker) after the necessary gestation period. Thousands of land-based years passed over during which a large number of Hybrids, males and females were created.
These appeared with a particular black hair and were made to work as soon as they grew up. They lived naked by eating fruit, burning grass and drinking ditch water. There are many paintings on the cylinders, and many written on clay planks, where they learn that they were also used in fields and to build dams; a little at a time, the “Lulu Amelu” were used for all the hard work, in fact they were called “the little ones”. At one given time, the Anunnaki even came to fight each other to contend with them. They used weapons whose description suggests something very “modern”. However, in the end, Enki, not knowing Enlil, and with the help of her sister-in-law (who was at the head of the medical team), decided to give the Lulu (sexual) knowledge that would allow these hybrid beings to generating, coupling directly between them. But when Enlil (who had absolutely denied that knowledge) found him, he was angry and drove them out of Edin. From that moment on, they spread all over the world … continuing to evolve and multiply. The Anunnaki, who were the only intelligent creatures on Earth, were no longer there since. However, they shared our planet with the Adapa, a term with which they themselves identified the “created landlords”. Meanwhile, many Anunnaki saw that the females of the “Adapa” were attractive. So they began to couple with them more and more often. Eventually, they began to give birth to children, some of whom later joined together. Individuals with different percentages of Anunnako DNA began to be born.
Some were of great stature, compared to mothers, and very quickly. Many Anunnaki wanted to marry with the tall (titanic) females that were very beautiful. Some of their male children, for their intelligence, became Kings. These weddings generated more and more men and women who had maintained the Anunnaki genes for two-thirds… Humanity increased rapidly, as it seemed that the astronauts, their terrestrial children, and the individuals born from their subsequent pairs, were all involved in a lazy and sexual frenzy. This was the inevitable result of the Anunnaki disobedience to the exact order of Enlil.
Enlil was so angry that he decided to cause a “universal flood” that would put an end to the creatures he had created, and that they were corrupt, causing him only trouble. But when the Anunnaki rebelled to protest against his terrible plan, this was discovered by Enki, who was upset and thought of a way to avoid the end of life on Earth. Enki decided to warn Ziusudra, a very wise and just king. This will be saved with his family, thus saving mankind. Following Enki’s instructions, he built a boat that could go underwater without sinking, and with this he escaped the disaster caused by Enlil’s anger.
After the flood, when the waters retreated, the ark stopped on Mount Nisir (Mount of Salvation – the Ararat), from which the Ziusudra family could fall back. Enlil was tried and exiled to the underworld, accompanied by infernal creatures. The rebellion would take place at 282,000 BC (after 40 revolutions of the planet Nibiru). The gods, who from the top of their Rukub Ilani (literally wagons of the gods), evidently orbiting the earth, had witnessed the flood and destruction of the creatures that they themselves had created, but kept on monitoring the evolution of the their “surviving” children, who supplied themselves with seeds and animals.
As briefly described, which may sound like the story line of a science fiction film, it is nothing more than the fruit of the sensible translation of the Sumerian tablets, of some Mesopotamian epics whose tales correspond; and the interpretation of many cylindrical seals and depictions, from which it was possible to put together facts, places and names. Also many astronomical dates and directions: everything is correct. The great achievement is a further confirmation that this clever way of decoding old documents, finally provides meaningful phrases, and really does “speak the stones.” It should not be forgotten that the ancient authors were neither the protagonists nor the chroniclers … but only the narrators! Just as the author of the Bible is not God or Abraham (according to Jewish tradition, the first five books were written by Moses, under divine dictation or inspiration).
And these narrators had to tell episodes and describe objects or people who often DO NOT KNOW! It is precisely in this way that mythology originated all over the world! About Moses: Apparently, that area of Sinai called Mount Moses (because, according to tradition, it would be the mountain where Moses received the Tables of the Law), it was a true Anunnaki wars drama, concluded with the complete destruction of the space-harbor. The nuclear weapons used during these conflicts left unmistakable traces – similar to lava ash – visible only now, thanks to the satellites. Yet on the Sinai there can never be volcanic eruptions (… in the absence of total volcanoes)! Archaeologist Emmanuel Anati, after making some amazing discoveries in that area, published an article entitled “The Mountain of God”, in which he reported the presence on the Sinai of some paved platforms of about 10 meters in diameter (being thick 1 meter, are raised to the ground). “Flooring” is the result of the heat-fusion of the stones … And even the experts had to admit that the pale rocky rocks actually appear lava formations … but at the same time they claim that there are no volcanoes on the Sinai. It seems right at this point that the Sumerians were the direct descendants of the Anunnaki. From these, they inherited Intelligence and “Knowledge”. But this was not the fruit of a forbidden tree. It was a degree of knowledge that led man to commit sexual act (sin …). This was intended to be able to generate, or originate, to other beings. His intelligence and curiosity grew to make him discover things he did not have to know. It became too similar to the Gods. Man, however, did not inherit immortality (perhaps only apparently) by their creators, but only an initial longevity, which would diminish with future generations; the prediction was to “fix” around the 120 years … The Anunnaki – whose life expectancy (based on a life cycle other than ours because of the year of Nibiru) was (and is) very long for a terrestrial, as a “Sen” lasted (and lasted) 3,600 of our years – for humans to appear to be immortal, and therefore Gods. How to say that a man, compared to a mosquito (who concludes his whole life cycle in one day) is immortal. Without wanting to start a discovery of the relativity of time, it is logical to think that time runs differently, according to the different biological rhythms … With the passing of millennia, men, who at first lived “only” for hundreds of years, lived less and less. This, until it is fixed – contrary to the forecasts – at an average age of 40/50 years.
So this is all you know about this mysterious people of men or gods?
But most of all do you find too many similarities between the Bible and Mesopotamian texts?
Anunnaki, who really were?
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