Activity confirmed, four UFOs filmed on the surface of Aristarchus crater, Moon; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
The Skywatcher and UFOvni2012 sky observer has been observing the Moon’s Aristarchus crater for years, which is often foggy, but on January 26, 2021, the vision was clear and to his surprise he saw 4 UFOs looming above the crater’s surface.
The spectacular images recorded with a telescope show the appearance of four luminous objects that appear on the Aristarcus crater. During the sighting, the UFOs seem to be lining up to disappear in a sort of entrance inside the Crater.
Ufologists suggest that there are several secret underground lunar bases on the moon, possibly Extraterrestrial but also terrestrial, once set up by the super powers of the earth.
This video of the four UFOs disappearing into the crater, which begins at 4.04 seconds in the video, could be proof that the underground operating bases on the Moon are real, one of which is located inside Aristarchus Crater. The video clearly describes the tunnels, or the mysterious cavities of the satellite, they are shock images, they are images too strong to be understood, it is natural now and it is so evident that above our heads, every day something moves up there, but what?
Activity confirmed, four UFOs filmed on the surface of Aristarchus crater, Moon
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