Noah, likely resemblance to the Anunnaki?

Noah, likely resemblance to the Anunnaki?

Noah, likely resemblance to the Anunnaki? Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.

Noah is a biblical patriarch, described as a righteous man who “walked with God” and that God decided to save when sending out the Universal Flood eradicated corrupt humanity.

In the biblical account God entrusts to Noah the task of saving the animal species and therefore, after the Flood, to become the head of a renewed humanity by delivering new laws concerning the killing of animals for eat.

Is the most important patriarch after Adam and before Abraham: in Genesis counts ten generations from Adam to Noah and ten from Noah to Abraham: this tradition is undoubtedly dependent on a Mesopotamian tradition.

Appeared for the first time in Genesis as a farmer and son of Lamech and grandson of Matusalemme. He is therefore the ninth in the generational line of Adam’s descendants through Set. According to Biblical narrative, God is willing to send the universal flood to eradicate the violence of men, and warn Noah to prepare an Ark to salvage himself and his family, to guarantee human existence on Earth; On the Ark were housed 7 pairs of pure animals and a pair of all other animals.

In Enoch’s book, the announcement to Noah of the approach of the Deluge and the counsel for salvation is given to Noah by the angel Arseyaleyor. According to Genesis, was six hundred years old when the flood fell on Earth and died at 950 years. It was still alive when Abraham was born. The assonance and hence the derivation of this biblical account, and thus of the patriarchal figure Noah contained therein, with similar and previous mesopotamical poems inherent in the Universal Flood, is evident, but the perspective of the Babylonian poems and of the Bible is completely different. 

For in the first, the gods decide to exterminate humanity by pure whim, because of its fracas that annoys them, while God puts an end to the anti-diluvian world because of the sins of so-called (Giants of ancient times). Is not saved because he is lucky but because he is the only one right in a world of sinners. In 2011, in an article published by the Journal of Archaeological Science, there is a excavation conducted by a group of Armenian, American and Irish scholars in the Crenes of Arenas, an archaeological site located in Armenia, in the border area with ‘Iran. In one of these caves were found finds that – through a special chemical analysis – reveal that around 6,000 years ago, grape-derived products had been stored. Which suggests that red wine produced in the Middle East long before it was thought to be so far. It would have remained a matter for specialists if a strange coincidence had not made him meditatively applauded: the village of Areni is in fact just 60 miles from Mount Ararat, where Noah’s ark would have been built according to tradition. And – as it is said in Genesis (chapter 9 verse 20) – for the Bible was the patriarch of the Deluge the first man to cultivate a vineyard. So it was enough to make two more and for the Biblical Archaeological Review it became “the Noah’s vineyard.”

Noah, likely resemblance to the Anunnaki?


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Noah, likely resemblance to the Anunnaki?
Noah, likely resemblance to the Anunnaki?
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