United States government, maintains contact with several extraterrestrial civilizations; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
There is currently an intense debate on the possibility of Extraterrestrial life. Many people believe that we have been visited in the past by technologically advanced civilizations from other planets. Certainly the evidence of these visits is increasingly real as many researchers have shown such evidence, and there are those who strongly disagree, suggesting with arrogance and anthropocentrism, that we are the only intelligent species in the Universe.
To put the possibility of extraterrestrial life into perspective, there are about 10 trillion Galaxies in the observable universe. The number of stars in each galaxy may be different, but assuming there is an average of about 100 billion stars per galaxy, it would mean that there are about 1 billion billion billion stars in the observable universe.
This, of course, is not the whole number, but only a segment of the whole picture, since we can only see parts of the Universe that are 13.7 billion light years from Earth. The universe must be much larger than the universe we can observe right now, so there may be many more stars out there. After understanding how big the Universe is, let’s move on to the question of extraterrestrials. In the past, numerous scientists, military officers and whistleblowers have come forward talking about UFOs and alien visits to Earth.
The alien life debate is not something new in modern times, in fact, as it has been recorded in history, people have asked if there was an Earth-like life. “Considering the Earth as the only world populated in infinite space is as absurd as saying that in an entire field of wheat, only one grain of wheat will grow.” – Metrodorus, Greek philosopher of the fourth century BC. One of the most interesting comments on extraterrestrial life comes from former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer. Mr. Hellyer said there are more than 82 known extraterrestrial species that have visited Earth. It is claimed that a great deal of information on these extraterrestrial species is contained in highly classified documents used as training manuals or guides for military and intelligence personnel.
Documents reveal that many of the known species, such as alpha-Draconis or Reptilians, lived on Earth long before the human race existed. Comments made by Paul Hellyer are supported by many other scientists, military officers and former pilots.
Franklin Musgrave, an American doctor, a retired NASA astronaut who worked on the design and development of the Skylab program and the only astronaut who has flown missions in the five space shuttles, had very interesting things to say about life elsewhere in the cosmos: “Statistically it is a certainty that there are advanced Civilizations, alien intelligences, life forms out there on other planets. I think they are so advanced that they even do interstellar travel. I think it’s possible they even came here. It is logical to assume that the universe must have another life in it and by virtue of the association that we could be visited at some point. “
One of our favorite quotes comes from Dr. Brian O’Leary, a former NASA astronaut and physics professor at Princeton: “There is abundant evidence that we have been contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a long time. That its appearance is strange to any kind of traditional Western materialist point of view. That these visitors use consciousness technologies, use toroid’s, use co-rotating magnetic disks and then anti-gravity thrusters for their energy systems or motors, which appears to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon. “In addition to what is written above in the title, a very interesting video about extraterrestrial life and alien visions is the one published below, where Steven Greer, a retired doctor and ufologists, founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligences (CSETI) , promoter of the CE5 Contact Protocol and The Disclosure Project.
United States government, maintains contact with several extraterrestrial civilizations
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