Ufo, the wreckage hidden by the Pentagon: the confirmation of Dia after the revelations of DeLonge, formerly Blink-182. The metamaterials; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
Now, only now, it turns out that UFO debris is crossing the institutional tasks of the DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, which monitors the armed forces of foreign countries “to prevent and win wars”. And in fact there could not be anything more “foreign” than a UFO.
Here then is the resounding confirmation that Dia wrote about “metamaterials” deemed not of terrestrial origin, and therefore Aliens, owned by the Pentagon and entrusted to the study of one of the most famous defense contractors of the States United, the Bigelow Aerospace of Nevada. The long-awaited answer came from the American researcher Anthony Bragalia who appealed to the Freedom Of Information Act.
At this point it is a powerful admission that reinforces what was announced in December 2018 in Rome during the annual conference of the Cun (National UFO Center) attended by Luis Elizondo, former agent and former executive of the secret program Aatip (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), formerly Aawsap (Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program), from Dia, and Tom DeLonge, former front man of the American band Blink182, founder of the To the stars academy of Art and Science. Elizondo, now alongside DeLonge, a generous philanthropist of these researches, said he left Dia not sharing the cloak of secrecy imposed on those programs.
It was the two of them who put the Pentagon in check by cashing in on the confidence of the New York Times which, with a scoop in December 2017, forced the American Defense to release three videos shot by American military pilots. Videos that in 2019 were definitively certified by the American government: the objects captured by the cameras of the Navy’s F-18 fighters are unidentified flying objects, UFOs, or, better, as we now say Uap, Unidentified aerial phenomena. And again they in Rome revealed that the Pentagon has for years possessed debris of materials with characteristics not found in materials known on Earth and not attributable to meteorites.
It is clear that it must always be specified that by materials or aircraft or “Alien” objects we mean literally that they are considered “extraneous” to our current knowledge and not necessarily coming from other planets. Official knowledge, it should be added, because in the past phenomena considered alien were actually originated from more than terrestrial experiences, but kept secret by this or that state for military reasons.
In any case, now it is Cun himself who reports the long letter-dossier (over 150 pages) written, three years after the request, by Dia to Bragalia which questioned the American body on debris, residues, wrecks and scrap deriving from accidents of unidentified flying objects. In the archives, for example, the episode of Ubatuba in Brazil in 1957 and in Florence in 1954, from which materials subject to investigations which did not clarify their provenance, come from.
Of these splinters of “alien” materials, Elizondo and DeLonge themselves showed on video in Rome in 2018. The characteristics that make these materials unknown are related to their behavior with respect to light and electromagnetic fields. And don’t these fragments come from Area 51 in Roswell? Sooner or later there are always those who ask this question and the answer can only be “maybe”.
Bragalia does not exclude him. Less obvious speculations, on the other hand, are related to the hypothesis that these materials could make a leap in our technological knowledge allowing us to produce new metal alloys. For example, Bragalia cites, after reading Dia’s answer, the case of Nitonol, a “shape memory” alloy of super-existent and super elastic Nickel and Titanium with which deformable objects are made and able to recover at least in part the original shape with a thousand applications from industry to surgery. It has been used since the 1970s with a story that echoes themes from Walter Tevis’ science fiction novel “The Man Who Fell to Earth” (The Chess Queen) from which the David Bowie movie was made. Science fiction, in fact, for now. What astronauts have been doing on space stations for years, conducting Experiments on liquids and metals and their combined use, which is not possible on Earth, but which becomes so in situations of microgravity, is not science fiction.
The American researcher, referring to the dossier unveiled by Dia, cites the phenomenal qualities of metamaterials attributable to studies on alien debris. Metamaterials are those that have characteristics that are not identifiable with the natural ones known to us. For example, it indicates the ability to reduce brightness to complete invisibility even by radar (technologies applied in Stealth aircraft) or the ability to compress electromagnetic fields, properties with infinite applications starting with the design of processors and computer components.
Finally, Bragalia points out the many omissions contained in the documents that Dia sent him, starting with the names of the scientists who studied these alien debris. In short, in the space of a couple of years in the field of ufology, many and notable news in search of confirmation have found them. A step forward that strengthens the hypothesis that many answers are – alien or not – in any case already written in the Pentagon dossiers. The Italian National UFO Center “remembers and specifies that since 2007 the question of the existence of such ‘exotic materials’ repeatedly informally reported has come to its attention thanks to the research of its adviser Alfredo Benni, and that in 2018 of the Pentagon Luis Elizondo, guest of the VII International UFO Congress of the Cun in Rome, had publicly confirmed this. Furthermore, since 1991, as documented by his popular essays published by Mondadori, the founder and president of Cun, the aerospace journalist Roberto Pinotti, testified that he had seen materially delivered in Toulouse during a briefing reserved for three Italian-French-American French Cnes (Center National d’Etudes Spatiales) in the person of his friend Alain Esterle, director of his Government commission for the study of Ufo Gepan, the metal fragments of a UFO that exploded in the air in Brazil on the beach of Ubatuba in 1957 ».
«Some of these fragments, in possession of the USA and of Professor Peter Sturrock of Stanford University in California and analyzed by him, were provided to Cnes on that occasion for a supplement of analysis. During the meeting – continues Cun – Sturrock informed Pinotti that what he analyzed had confirmed that the finds were mainly composed of magnesium with characteristics never seen before. Finally, after the request for the release of the secret documents on UFOs by the American Senate, information already known and reported but without material evidence from various serious researchers in the UFO field are today beginning to have the necessary confirmations.
Finally, it should be remembered that since 1954 Italy has the primacy of the first chemical analysis of a substance fallen from the sky during the massive appearance of UFO formations on Florence with multiple witnesses and the interruption of the Fiorentina-Pistoiese football match. To Professor Giovanni Canneri of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the local University, the sample in question resulted in a compound of boron, silicon, calcium and magnesium which, as unstable, dissolved in a short time ».
Ufo, the wreckage hidden by the Pentagon: the confirmation of Dia after the revelations of DeLonge, formerly Blink-182. The metamaterials
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