Sun, impressive Alien vehicle passes near it; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
There is a lot of UFO activity around the Sun. A video of the Sun recorded on Friday 17 July 2020, before our star set, shows several Alien spacecraft flying around the Sun.
Although UFO images near the Star are quite intriguing, there are still people who suggest that they are nothing more than pixel effects, light reflections or camera glitches. However, if you look at these large objects, especially the two objects shown in the images above, you can clearly see that they are unidentified flying objects possibly driven by an intelligent alien life form.
Multi-dimensional extraterrestrial civilizations who want advanced access to our solar system, with Black Holes as large as Earth, can do so by exploiting the Stargate of our Star. All celestial bodies have their own black hole and the Earth inside it also has one. one. A small black hole is what generates all the energies and forces of the planet. The windows of these black holes are volcanoes, like that of Popocatepetl where huge UFOs are often sighted entering the Stargate created just at the top of the volcano or in the vicinity of this. Following the video recorded by researcher Linda Miller, who with her telescope recorded huge alien spacecraft around the Sun.
Sun, impressive Alien vehicle passes near it
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