Sumerians, the origin of alien races; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
The Sumerians (inhabitants of Šumer “place of the civilized lords”) are considered the first urban civilization together with that of ancient Egypt. It was an ethnic group of southern Mesopotamia (today’s south-eastern Iraq), a native or settled in that region from the time it migrated there (around 4000 BC) to the ascent of Babylon (around 1500-1400 BC ). Preceded by a basically figurative writing, based on pictograms, the subsequent symbolization led to the cuneiform writing that seems to have preceded every other form of codified writing, appearing around the end of the fourth millennium BC.
The term “Sumerian” is actually the name given to the ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia by their successors, the Semitic people of the Akkadians. The Sumerians, in fact, called themselves ùĝ saĝ gíg ga, literally “black-headed people”. The land of origin of the Sumerians is still unknown today, but one thing is certain: the Sumerians were not a Semitic lineage population. Besides this it is well known that they were neither the first nor the only people to inhabit the lands between the Tigris and the Euphrates, but which took the place, or rather integrated, with the cultural complexes of ‘Ubaid and Uruk, Semitic people who already lived in these lands and had achieved a fair technological and organizational development.
Quote by Alessandro Brizzi.
“In reconstructing the history of man, scholars have progressively backdated the origins of civilization: first considered to be the fruit of Greek culture, they were then found in the greatness of ancient Egypt, at least until it was recognized that Babylon and Assyria, but above all the Sumerians of which they are daughters, go back to periods still earlier: around 3000 BC. The Bible in its most ancient texts tells the story of the origins of man and of the Jewish people. The texts whose events are closest to those periods of history in which men still walked with the gods (the Elohìm): with them they talked and ate, stipulated agreements, served them but also used them, betrayed them, they followed and abandoned them, depending on the interests of the moment and the contingent situations.
A historical period in which men chose their “gods” among the many possible, without ever asking the problem of the only god. In short, a vision of the divine totally different from that which was later built … And the Sumerians are the source of those theories: what do the founders of all human civilization tell us then? They tell us that there exists in the Solar System a planet of which we officially do not yet know its existence; a planet called Nibiru that has a retrograde orbit compared to that of all the other planets and whose duration is equal to 3,600 Earth years. The name Nibiru would mean “Planet of crossing” precisely because this celestial body crosses in the opposite direction the ellipses traveled by its “colleagues” (those of Mars and Jupiter in particular).
The retrograde orbit makes us think that Nibiru can not have been generated with the Sun, like the other planets, so it must necessarily have been “attracted and captured” by the gravitational forces of our solar system: this is precisely what the stories say of the Sumerians. A satellite of this planet would have even impacted with the Earth, producing the great depression that lies under the Pacific Ocean: in the course of this clash from the cosmic dimensions would have originated the current orbit of the Moon and the asteroid belt. This planet, the Sumerian stories continue, would be inhabited by what they call Anunnaki.
These individuals would have come to our planet in search of gold because this metal was essential to create a kind of greenhouse effect on their planet: pulverized and diffused in the atmosphere would have slowed down the process of progressive cooling that Nibiru was undergoing. How not to immediately think about the diffused myths in almost every corner of the Earth (in the West we mention Hesiod, Plato, Ovid …) that state that there has been an unspecified “Age of Gold”, the age of the gods, the time in They were here among us … If these stories are true, it would be easy to identify this primordial time as the one in which the “gods”, that is, these beings from above, were on Earth looking for gold! In this case they would not be elaborate myths to fantasize about a nonexistent but desired happy age, but the memory of precise events, the memory of when the “gods” were really on Earth and gold was the concrete reason for their presence.
An age dedicated entirely to its research, extraction and processing; an age when men had a direct relationship with them. According to these “incredible” theories, the Anunnaki / Anaqiti descended on our planet in groups of 50 (up to the total number of 600, for a final total of 12 groups) and built their first base in Eridu: an outpost located at the extreme south of Mesopotamia and whose name would mean “home of the distant world” or “home away from home”. It stood on a hill erected artificially at the mouth of the Euphrates: is this the memory of when the God of biblical Genesis divided the waters to make it dry and make life on earth possible, made available in this way? As we know, the subsoil was rich in oil and was therefore a source of precious energy for the structures that had to be built. Moreover the wide plains favored the construction of real landing fields …The command of the entire expedition was the result of what we might consider a sort of emperor, Anu, the absolute Sovereign who resided on Nibiru. The operational management was entrusted initially to one of his two sons, Enki, who was joined and then replaced his brother Enlil. This change of command took place when Enki took control of the excavation operations in the gold mines located in the South of Africa, in the territory that would correspond to the current Zimbabwe. The Sumerians tell us that the Anunnaki involved in the exhausting excavation work, after a few tens (thousands!) Of Earth years, rebelled and asked to be dispensed.After several attempts to compose what looked like what we would call a real “trade union dispute”, Enki managed to hypothesize and elaborate an alternative solution that proved to be truly decisive: not only for them, but also for we can say now! During the stay in that territory, the commander Enki had in fact been able to observe some small hominids (Homo erectus? Homo habilis?) And thought that they could be appropriately transformed and used to replace the Anunnaki, tired and in constant state of protest and revolt. It tells the Sumerian myth that the gods, forced to dig and pile up earth, complained about their life and believed Enki guilty of their burdensome situation.
Enki’s mother, then, urges her son to intervene to help the Anunnaki who are struggling too much: openly invites him to create a substitute – a double – of the gods so that they can free themselves from the burden of work … suggests to shape servants. The son replies that the creature that she indicated actually already exists and asks her to fix the image of the gods on it. Thanks to their scientific knowledge, these Anunnaki carried out a series of experiments thus genetically manipulating the hominids with the grafting of a portion of their DNA. This project was realized in collaboration with Ninhursag, the bride of Enki, known then – not by chance! – as “the Mother Goddess” or also as “the one who gives life”.
Working in their laboratory, known as “Creation room”, after several attempts – many of which failed … – produced the new creature called Lulu, that is “the mixed, the mixed”, the product of a mixture of genetic heritages. This new creature was also called ADÁMÁ, from which the biblical ADÁM, “that of the earth”, “the terrestrial” … These beings, descended from heaven to Earth, had in fact generated the Homo sapiens. All this would have happened about 300,000 years ago in the north of Zimbabwe and, as far as we know, it is right around that time and in that part of East Africa that paleontologists would trace the appearance of Homo sapiens. The Anunnaki thus produced a race of resistant and intelligent workers just enough to understand the needs and the orders of their creators / masters. The expression that says that we “were created to love and serve God” comes back to mind: perhaps it contains much more truth than you think! These “gods” would have created a real race destined for servile labor. We can think that it is trivially a coincidence or a curious coincidence that Genesis (2.2) tells us literally that after having created man: “Elohìm desisted from every work of his”? Was not that the stated purpose of the Anunnaki? “
Sumerians, the origin of alien races
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