Milky Way, the aliens could be there… Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
Numerous cosmogonies, formulated by populations from all over the world, have tried to explain the origin of the Milky Way. The name derives from a well known episode in Greek mythology. Zeus, who fell in love with Alcmena, after assuming the features of her husband, the king of Trezene Anfitrione, had a relationship with her and impregnated her. Heracles was born that Zeus decided to place, as soon as he was born, at his wife’s breast, He was asleep, so that the child could drink the divine milk and become so immortal. But Hera awoke, realized that he was feeding an unknown child and pushed him away; the milk, sprung from the breasts, splashed and bathed the night sky, originating the “Milky Way”. The Babylonians, a Mesopotamian population well-known for the hanging gardens and astronomy, believed that the Milky Way was obtained from the metamorphosis of the tail of the dragon-goddess Tiāmat, after it was captured by the god Marduk.
The ancient Egyptians regarded the Milky Way as a celestial counterpart of the Nile: a clear river that traversed the night sky just as the Nile passed through their lands. The milky way of the Milky Way has a diameter of about 100 000 light years and a thickness, in the region of the arms, about 1 000 light years. Outside the Milky Way stands out the galactic halo, bounded by the two major satellite galaxies, the Great and the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Defining the exact age of the Milky Way presents considerable difficulties; the estimated age of HD 140283, the oldest known star in the galaxy, is about 13.6 billion years, an age not very different from that of the Universe itself. They are not around the corner, but they are there. And there are many, many, more than we have ever dared to imagine: about 10 thousand in the Milky Way alone. We are talking about alien civilizations and making these statements is not an imaginative ufologists, but me! I am a “hardened” researcher and according to my studies I can state this! If you say that you believe in Aliens, I doubt your friends will be shocked. In a universe illuminated by 2 trillions of galaxies, it would be arrogant to think that the Earth is the only one to host creatures with intelligence.
And a 2015 survey showed that 54% of Americans believe that intelligent aliens exist in space “. Perhaps merit of science fiction – add – but not only, since many scientists now agree that the cosmos is full of life, including conscious and sentient. In short, organisms a bit ‘more evolved than simple bacteria. But how much is widespread? Are we able to hazard a prediction on the position of the ET closest to us? Complicated questions, to which I try to respond, starting from the famous “Drake Equation”, formulated in the 60s of the last century by the astrophysicist Frank Drake just to estimate the hypothetical number of technology companies scattered throughout the Universe on the basis of many unknown-how many are habitable planets, what is the probability that life has developed and which then evolved into intelligent forms and so on. But even without wrestling with the Drake Equation we can use similar reasoning to evaluate the vastness of alien civilizations and how close the Klingon can be. Here is the calculation: “Let’s start from the recent research that shows that one star in 6 houses a planet suitable for life. No, not one in a million: one in six. We take this number and proceed. But we must also formulate some hypotheses. For example, having one million terrestrial worlds, what percentage of them do we think could generate technologically advanced inhabitants? Life on our planet began quickly: a random chemical activity in 350 million trillions of oceanic water gallons produced a reproductive molecule within a few hundred million years. So maybe biology does not need big incentives to get started. It is not unreasonable to think that at least half of the planets fit the life of the guests actually. ” But of course there is life and life. An account is a microorganism or an elementary living form, an account is a creature capable of thinking and communicating. And there is also a way and way of thinking and communicating. For example, Earth has long been dominated by a species that is well-organized and physically very powerful, but has little scope for math’s or literature for dinosaurs. And we know what a bad end they have done… Remaining very cautious, we can then say that only one in 100 of these Earth-like planets welcome sentient beings on its surface. To find technologically advanced creatures, however, we arrive at a 100 million solar system. More or less the same probability of finding the winning ticket for the weekly drawing of the Powerball lottery. But how far will the nearest Extraterrestrial be able to send messages?
If we pay enough money to turn on the warp engines and visit ET with a weird head, how much should we travel? Well, the average distance between the stars in our part of the galaxy is 4.2 light years, the distance of Proxima Centauri from us. So, for every cube of space of 4.2 light years per side, you’ll find an average star. Now imagine a much larger cube, 2,000 light-years per side: it will contain 100 million stars and an evolved civilization. “But since our galaxy of stars contains several billion, the numbers increase dramatically. But little changes, as regards our ability to meet them. Based on this calculation, the nearest Aliens are probably between 1000 and 2 thousand light years from us. In other words, no closer than the three bright stars of the Orion Belt. Of course, our extraterrestrial neighbors could be even more distant or closer, but this order of assessment makes us understand that they are not next door. They must not have received our news and do not seem very interested in visiting us, simply because they do not know we are here. The reasoning does not make a turn: if a technological civilization is 1000 or 2000 light years from the Earth, it can not know anything about us, because we have started to emit signals that can be captured from space for a little more than a century since they were invented. radio and TV. And since electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, they have reached a maximum of about 100 light years from us. The Grays that live on more distant worlds have not yet received any proof of our civilization.
For them, we do not exist. By the way, we will never go to visit them either. The fastest rockets we have available today would take at least 20 million years to reach them and in all that time we would get fed up with food on board. But the conclusion is interesting. “Yes, the Aliens are around here and 10 thousand companies can inhabit our galaxy (not counting all the others!). They are not close, but can be identified. That’s why we continue to scan the sky in search of radio signals sent to the ether a long time ago by our cosmic brothers.
Milky Way, the aliens could be there…
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