Divinity, populations have always adored; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
By the term “God” is meant to mean a superior entity with extraordinary power, which is variously denominated and meaningful in different religious cultures.
The study of its different representations and their historical process is the subject of the science of religions so, for example, of history and phenomenology of religion. The names used to indicate this entity are numerous as many languages and cultures are.
In Latin languages like the Italian (God), the term derives from the Latin Deus (in turn linked to the terms, always Latin, divus, “shining”, and dies, “day”).
In Germanic languages such as English (God), they are related to the ancient Frisian, the Old Saxon and Gotland medieval Dutch.
In Greek, ancient and modern, the term is Theós (Θεός; eg Θεοί Theoí).
In the Semitic context, the most ancient term is ‘El’ (in Hebrew אל), corresponding to the Accidental Ilu and the Canaanite ‘El or ‘, whose etymology is obscure even if it seems to be related to the notion of “power”.
Within the Arabic Muslim Religious Literature, the name of God is Allah (الله). The Arabic term Allāh is probably from the Arabian Alāhā. In the Koran, the sacred book of Islam, Supreme Being reveals that its names are Allah and Rahman (the “Merciful”).
In the Sumerian language, the distinctive grain of the divinity is Cuneiform Sumer, probably referred to as the “center” from which divinity radiates.
In Iranian pre-Islamic religious culture, the term used is the avian Ahura (“Lord”) that corresponds to Sanskrit Asura.
The Chinese character for “God” is 神 (shén). It is composed on the left side of 示 (shì “altar” today in the meaning of “show”) in turn composed of 丁 (primitive altar) with sides 丶 (drops of blood or libations). And right 申 (shēn, shin or mōsu) is about to “expose” it here better to “light up”, “bring it to light”.
God’s deity vision implies the conviction that he can reasonably justify the existence of God, a type of vision diffused mainly in the age of Enlightenment. Deism believes that correct use of reason allows a man to elaborate a complete and exhaustive natural and rational religion capable of explaining the world and man. It completely ignores any positive revelation and opposes it, based on some elementary principles, first of all, that of the existence of divinity as the indispensable basis for affirming and explaining order, harmony, and regularity in the universe.
Was Jesus an alien?
The question will sound almost blasphemy, but it is precisely this that, based on the translation of the verses of a Coptic manuscript, the conspiracy theorists ask. In fact, although in the Bible, although it has been very talked about, Jesus’ appearance has never been described, and it is precisely in this particular that the theory fights.
According to the blog Cognitio, during a luncheon between Pontius Pilate and Jesus, the latter would gradually disappear, becoming ethereal, and then reappear hours later. In other episodes, described this time in the canonical version of the Bible, Jesus would be able to change appearance, sometimes appearing as a boy, sometimes as an old man. All this made the conspiracy theorists think that he was a hybrid, conceived by a human and an alien. The conspirators argue that Judas had kissed Jesus to identify him because he had the ability to change from one moment to the next.
But as The Inquisitr reports, Judas’s kiss also has another explanation. According to scholar Roalof van den Broek, Origen tells us in his “Contra Celsum” that Judas to betray Jesus had the need to kiss him to identify him since he had characteristics that were exactly the same as those of all the other Jews present at that time. The manuscripts on which the new theories about Jesus are based are kept at the Morgan Library and Museum and at the University of Pennsylvania Museum.
Divinity, populations have always adored
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