UFOs, hundreds near the international space station!!! Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
Sightings of UFO fleets in space continue. Very strange events are happening in near-Earth space, after on July 3, 2021 a fleet of 10 UFOs was recorded from the ISS above the Earth’s atmosphere, just out in space. So too on July 6, another sighting of hundreds of objects that were recorded via NASA’s live streaming.
Although many of these unidentified flying objects originate from different positions in space, all follow a fixed trajectory and fly at different speeds, it appears that most of them originate from a single position in space heading towards Earth.
It doesn’t look like space junk since these objects apparently follow a fixed path and meteor debris seems unlikely since the first meteor shower is a month away. From Aug. 10-13, Earth will pass through a stream of debris from giant comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Another sighting of dozens of UFOs was recorded on July 11, 2021, (then the most recent) when from the ISS are filmed about 16 spherical objects of white color arranged in a triangle, while flying towards the Earth’s atmosphere. For Ufologists this is a real silent invasion by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.
UFOs, hundreds near the international space station!!!
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