UFO knowledge, the United States and the United Kingdom recognize the existence of UFOs; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
A report published by the British Civil Aviation Authority and the statements of a spokesman for the United States Navy and numerous fighter pilots indicate the same thing: the UFO phenomenon is real and governments have no answers. The British Civil Aviation Authority has recorded 36 cases since 2017 where UFOs were about to cause plane crashes. 25% of these accidents were classified as “high risk of collision” and the vast majority of them occurred between 1,500 and 4,800 meters high.
One of the most spectacular cases occurred during the flight of several combat fighters in formation. Suddenly, a small metallic-looking object appeared, passing very close to the plane flying in the first position. According to the file, it was shaped like a cigar and reflected sunlight. It seems certain that UFOs control military exercises, bases and nuclear sites.
Another crash occurred at 4,800 feet above sea level when a UFO approached a Boeing 757 that was initiating a landing maneuver. As the pilot noted: “It was an irregular and dark flying object that passed to the left of the plane, less than 200 feet from it.”
Nick Pope, UFO researcher, who has headed a UFO investigation department at the British Ministry of Defense for years, has ensured that his country’s government currently has insufficient resources to study the UFO issue, since according to its information, in 2009, the body that collected all the UFO cases in British territory were closed due to lack of funds.
This information joins the recent statements by Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations of the American navy, who admitted that the footage has leaked in recent months to various media, in which the movement of flying saucer-shaped objects are observed belong to the Marina. As reported in YEAR / ZERO, the recordings were obtained by fighters who took off on an interception mission for the Unidentified. Joseph Gradisher revealed that sighting reports do not use the term UFO, but rather that of Unidentified Air Phenomena.
The Navy spokesman had already admitted in May 2019 that, “since 2014, a number of unauthorized and unidentified aircraft have entered the airspace controlled by the army several times a month. These types of raids pose a risk to national security and to Navy and Air Force aircraft. For safety and security reasons, the Navy and Air Force take these reports very seriously and investigate each of them. We need to go deeper into the question to determine who is behind the sightings, where these objects come from and what their intention is. ”
UFO knowledge, the United States and the United Kingdom recognize the existence of UFOs.
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