Nevada, a new secret base discovered next to AREA 51; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
Researcher Ufo Scott Waring has discovered a new secret structure in the state of Nevada and is located about 50 km from AREA 51.
It is suspected that on this base hidden in the Nevada mountains, in the Onada Reservoir, located in Pine Creek, they could carry out research on genetics. But it’s just a suspicion and let’s see why. Here is what Scott said: “I was looking on the map and looking at Area 51 when I noticed a new construction on the map.
This new structure appears to be a secret base built recently. On one end of the base there are huge air intakes to let fresh air into the underground structure, then two green fields with some buildings near the base are also visible. ” “It appears that this field could be cultivated for Genetic research. Are they altering plant genetics for unknown reasons? This worries me … because if they are doing genetic research … then why do they need an underground base to do the research? Unless it includes other research that could endanger the public. ” Instead, I have a feeling I have … And that’s what I think, AREA 51, starts to be narrow and therefore the horizons are widening … Experimental research to understand alien technologies, this is the truth . They have already parked them in the hangars, and they can study UFOs as they please, there are already alien technologies among us and we think they have been discovered by luminescent minds … It is not so dear readers, our governments know, but not they want us to know the truth, there is only a small detail that these genes have left out … That I already know the truth!
Nevada, a new secret base discovered next to AREA 51
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