Mars, photographed a “huge Monolith” inside a crater; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
The Mars Express probe was the first planetary mission of the European Space Agency, sent to the Red Planet in 2003; the same mission saw the launch of a lander to the surface, although it failed to fully implement its work, the orbiter recorded, and still is, amazing and spectacular images.
In one of these high resolution images of the surface of Mars, an anomaly or more exactly what appears to be a huge Monolith at the bottom of a crater was found. This single block is upright and could be an ancient monument or building.
Where did this huge boulder or monolith come from? Who put it inside the crater? Is it perhaps an image altered by the shadow effect of the Sun, or an anomaly due to some boulders inside the crater? Certainly the images of Mars Express, now released and therefore in the public domain, show in addition to the (possible) monolith also dramatic landscapes of Mars, sculpted by ancient volcanoes, waterways, and the abrasive action of dust storms, all reconstructed in cinematic images in the following video.
The Red Planet is full of puzzles and most of them point towards the existence of an advanced Extraterrestrial civilization that existed in the distant past. It seems that very often there is a new object being discovered by NASA through photos sent by the Curiosity Rover or other space missions, including those of ESA. In fact, they range from the remains of ancient towers, pyramids and disk-shaped objects that look like UFOs crashed to mysterious domed structures of an alleged vegetation. The image of the monolith discovered through the photographs taken by the Mars Express is visible in the video at minute 2.34.
Mars, photographed a “huge Monolith” inside a crater
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