Irrefutable evidence of the passage of ancient aliens on our planet; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
The time comes to observe together the 10 tests that would attest the existence of ancient astronauts, who visited us in past eras. These 10 trials would make us understand that they were visited by aliens, perhaps in search of new worlds to colonize, perhaps come in peace to share their technological progress. No one can say for sure, but Cognitio is determined to show you below all that is possible to find in this regard. Whether it’s real evidence or nonsense conspiracy, it’s up to you to decide!
Irrefutable evidence:
The mysterious Olmec handbags

The mysterious handbags of the Olmecs, a people in ancient Mesoamerica, date back to a period between 1200 and 400 BC. In the image a male figure carries a handbag which, according to scholars, contains special herbs. However, the handbags of unknown origin were also represented by the Assyrians between 880 and 859 BC, and probably contained “magic powders”.
The stele of El Baúl of the Maya

El Baúl is an archaeological site of the Mayan civilization located in Guatemala and, together with the sites of Bilbao and El Castillo, is part of the archaeological complex of Cotzumalhuapa. El Baúl is located 4 kilometers north of Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, 50 kilometers away from the Pacific Ocean and 550 meters above sea level. And it is in El Baúl that there is a stele that represents a sort of fire-breathing anthropomorphic monkey in an upright position. The flames that the man-monkey chimera emanates from his mouth are evident. What is the testimony of a superior civilization that has visited our planet in the past? Or just an illustration born of one of the Maya with a passion for art and fantasy?
Jaina’s space suits

Jaina Island is a pre-Columbian archaeological site located in the Mexican state of Campeche. This island served as a burial ground for the wealthy classes of the Mayan civilization and is full of mysterious statues. In particular, we can observe the one that has all the air of being a space suit worn by hidden alien civilizations. Or maybe not, who can say it! The term Jaina means “Temple in the water”.
The Mexican stele with inscriptions and alien figures

The Mexican jade stone stele, which represents a humanoid organism with the enlarged skull, typical of aliens as we have always seen them in the cinema, is located on the outskirts of Puebla, near Veracruz, Mexico.
The sarcophagus of K’inich Janaab ’Pakal

The Mayan king K’inich Janaab ’Pakal, also known as Pacal the Great or simply Pakal, was the most famous Mayan ruler of Palenque. It was exactly in 615 that K’inich Janaab ’Pakal ascended to the throne in a difficult period for his reign. He still managed to maintain stability and, probably, while he also had some sort of contact with higher civilizations. It is believed that his sarcophagus has “alien” origins.
The illustration of Valcamonica

Valle Camonica or Valcamonica is one of the most extensive valleys of the central Alps, located in eastern Lombardy (Italy). And it is precisely in this valley that an unusual illustration was found, dating back to 10 thousand years before Christ. At the center there is a man of normal size who wears a sort of armor of humanoid form. At the top left and at the other on the right, everything is under observation of unidentified black men.

In Kiev the statue of a being protected by an armored suit, dating back to 4,000 BC, was found. As you can see, the individual all in all wears pants and shoes that vaguely remind us of our way of dressing. Different speech for the inexplicable hat and chest protected by a bodice of dubious composition.
The stele of ancient Egypt of alien sacrifice

Of Egyptian origin, however, this stele depicts what is probably an Egyptian priest who offers some gifts in sacrifice to a superior entity, which radiates a blinding light. It could be the Sun, it’s true, but it could instead be a flying saucer or an alien spacecraft ready to land to accept those gifts. Who knows!
The 2 Dutch ships facing the aliens

The illustration depicts 2 Dutch North Sea ships and at the top center of objects of unknown entity floating in the sky. They would look like 2 disks of different sizes, where it is possible to observe unidentified faces vaguely reminiscent of green men. This illustration is found in the books written by Admiral Blaeu called Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. In such books there were usually collections of information about long sea voyages, cartographic information and the like. Here, these specified proofs, serve once again to confirm how mysterious there is in the tales of the ancients … We must only take note of a certain and omnipresent reality even today, throughout the globe there are various proofs of their passage, enough just do more research and surely you can find many others, just think that in ancient Egypt, we only discovered 2% of what really exists under the ground…
Irrefutable evidence of the passage of ancient aliens on our planet
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