Pythagorean theorem, perhaps used to build the ancient site of Stonehenge; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
The famous ancient site of Stonehenge may have been built using the famous Pythagorean theorem two millennia before the mathematical equation was developed, experts say.
A new book called “Megalith: Studies in Stone” claims that the same geometric principles of the famous work of Pythagoras can be found on the prehistoric site: in addition to Stonehenge researchers, other experts claim to have found evidence of the famous theorem, long before time of Pythagoras. Last year, for example, scientists revealed the secrets of a mysterious 3,700-year-old Babylonian clay tablet that turns out to be the trigonometric table as the oldest and most accurate trigonometric table in the world. The discovery of Pythagoras according to which the sum of the areas of two squares on the sides of a Triangle will be added to the area of a square on the hypotenuse has been used for millennia to help builders reach perfectly perfect angles. The new book, published concurrently with the summer solstice, shows how one of the first incarnations of Stonehenge, dating back to 2750 BC, is a rectangle of four stones of Sarsen, which divided in half diagonally, forming a perfect Pythagorean triangle. The eight lines radiating from the rectangle and the triangles align perfectly with the important dates of the Neolithic calendar, such as the summer and winter solstices and the spring and autumn equinoxes. Coordinator and editor John Matineau said: “People often think of our ancestors as rough cavemen when they were actually sophisticated Astronomers. They were applying Pythagorean geometry over 2000 years before the birth of Pythagoras. We see used triangles and double squares that they are simple versions of Pythagorean geometry. And then we have this synthesis on different sites of solar and lunar numbers “. According to some ufologists and archaeologists in ancient iconography, aircraft and beings of Human origin would often be depicted: given the particular shape of the temple, and the probable difficulty that the transport of boulders with an approximate weight of 4 tons would have led to populations dating back about 5000 years ago, the alien hypothesis began to take more and more foot.
According to the alien theory that would explain the particular location of these geometric tetrodes that rotate in the opposite direction within a spherical field, the conformation of Stonehenge would be a proof of the fact that Extraterrestrial beings wanted to create an astronomical calendar able to predict any type of celestial event and whose precision is compared only to modern instruments of astronomical analysis. In addition, many have claimed to have seen over time, mysterious spheres of light in the sky above the temple of Stonehenge: for the appearance of crop circle checked in the vicinity of the temple, for ufologists, nothing else but the evidence of the hand alien in construction of the imposing religious structure.
Pythagorean theorem, perhaps used to build the ancient site of Stonehenge
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