Off-Limits, on the Moon, too many extraterrestrial bases. Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
NASA has always avoided giving a direct answer to the question “why didn’t we go to the moon anymore?” Although some former employees know the answer, NASA has always preferred to hide the truth from people. The answer to this question for some of the former employees of the US Space Agency is clear: “The Moon is infested with Aliens and the astronauts have confirmed all this even since the 1970s”. These statements have led many researchers to the “UFO” phenomenon to conclude that NASA has no more plans to set foot on the lunar surface, because the reasons we know them. Off-Limits
The Moon is full of alien bases and structures. Signs of activity on the surface of the Moon were not new to those who were immersed in the Apollo missions. For centuries, renowned astronomers around the world have reported the presence of “objects” that fly over the lunar surface. The document “Report on Lunar Anomalies” was the result of years of investigation by NASA before the Apollo missions were in the launch phase in the late 1960s. During these years (from 1960 to 1963), the American Space Agency funded numerous scientists and researchers in order to collect and catalog a series of “anomalous lights” that had been detected on the Moon.
In 1968, the public version of the NASA research report was made public with the title R-277. The R-277 report consisted of a total of 600 anomalous events that took place in a period between 1540 and 1967. This report includes the testimonies of some of the most famous astronomers in the world. In one of these reports it can be read of two astronomers who reported seeing lightning on the lunar surface, which theoretically would be impossible, since the Moon does not have its own atmosphere. Operation Moon Blink was used to study several “large structures on the lunar surface” that had been photographed by unmanned moon missions. Some of these structures seemed to be too perfect to have a natural origin. Glenn Steckling, a well-known investigator, gave a very interesting interview during the TV show “Coast to Coast AM”. Steckling, during the conversation with the conductor Art Bell, revealed the possible presence of alien bases on the Moon. The detective, thanks to the presence of photographic evidence, has practically revealed the existence of alien activity on the Moon.
The photos, from NASA and Apollo missions, show bright objects, mining activities, pyramid-shaped structures and even several UFOs immortalized in the vicinity of the astronauts during the historic Apollo 11 mission. Steckling, after the death of his father Fred in 1991, decided to continue the investigation carried out by his family. During all these years, he has continued to disseminate the material discovered by his father in over 60 years and has managed to obtain further tangible evidence on UFO sightings.
Glenn Steckling revealed that there would be strong alien activity on the moon; over 100 NASA photographs, also contained in his latest book Alien Bases on the Moon – part 2, would show and reveal this intense activity, demonstrating the possible extraterrestrial life on the Moon. Since the 1980s, in fact, several luminous objects and some luminescent areas have been observed. Steckling’s thesis is confirmed by statements by astronaut Gordon Cooper and those by the French scientist Maurice Chatelain; the two are aware of numerous chases by alien raiders during NASA missions on the Moon, and have also stated that Aliens, through human features, would live on Earth.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper also provided sensational details about extraterrestrial life. The Aliens, says Cooper, would often visit our planet with the intention of establishing contacts, and he himself claims to have seen several alien ships during his missions. The truth, according to Cooper, has never been revealed in order not to create alarmism among the world population, NASA and the United States are denying the truth to the world. The German physicist Hermann Oberth was of the same opinion, declaring in 1954 that flying saucers, coming from another Solar System, would be driven by intelligent beings who would study our planet.
Ken Johnston, a former NASA employee, said astronauts would discover alien cities and the remains of futuristic machinery on the moon, with technologies capable of manipulating gravity. He also claimed that the American Space Agency ordered a cover-up forcing him not to disclose information classified as Cosmic Top Secret. Not long ago Ken Johnson himself released some images taken from a video recorded by NASA during one of the Apollo missions. In the frames (still images) of the video, you can see some rows of lights in parallel that are part of a huge alien moon base.
NASA has always been at the center of controversy and is accused of hiding the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial life on the Moon, even going so far as to deny that the Viking probe in the 1970s detected life on the lunar terrain. Former NASA employee Ken Johnston said some astronauts took some shocking photos of the Moon where alien structures (bases) were visible. NASA asked him to destroy the photographic evidence and he refused and ended up being fired. Kay Ferrari, program director of his laboratory, invited Johnston to resign for criticizing his director, he refused and was fired for just cause.
Johnston, once out of the secret activities of the government, lashed out further against NASA, publishing some videos and photographs of alien outposts on the moon. This is why NASA has not returned to the moon today. “We didn’t go to the Moon anymore because it’s Alien infested,” says Ken Johnston. Gilbert Levin, the scientist who oversaw the Mars expedition aboard the Viking spacecraft in 1976, also harshly criticized NASA. Levin was able to demonstrate the existence of extraterrestrial life on Mars but NASA minimized it all by ending up making the well-known scientist angry.
Disappointed Levin founded a website to reveal to the world the existence of life on the red planet. In December 1972 the two astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt, on a mission to the Moon with Apollo 11, took a shocking photo. In the image (photo below) you can see what appears to be a robot head. The two astronauts could not believe their eyes. Cernan stated that it could not be a human skull as it could not survive the impact in a debris field and prolonged exposure to solar and cosmic radiation would have reduced it to dust. The object therefore has a mechanical origin, the head has a red stripe around the upper lip, as if it had been painted.
The lower jaw seems to be missing from the skull while the presence of the two orbits, the forehead, the eyebrow arches, the nose, the cheekbones and the upper half of the jaw have been detected. The mystery has remained unsolved and the area has also been called mysterious by Cernan. Numerous rocks had spectral characteristics capable of reflecting light like crystals. In 1958 the Russian astronomer Nikolai Kozyrev and the Apollo 11 crew noticed strange lunar phenomena in the Aristarchus crater. This famous crater is the lightest point of the Moon seen from the Earth and its main characteristic is the emission of gas and its change of color passing from red to blue.
Among the hypotheses that have been made, the possibility emerged, revealed by Joe Szostack, the well-known author of books and websites, that within the crater there may be a fusion reactor. In a NASA photo, there would appear to be 5 or 6 arches supporting the structure and a road leading to a long illuminated tunnel. On 3 February 1966 “Luna 9” became the first unmanned spacecraft to have reached another planet and sent photos to Earth. From the picture you can see what could be a ship-shaped vehicle, with a cable that seems to extend from the back of the object to the surface. Contact with the Luna 9 probe ceased 3 days after landing. All these tests seem to confirm the presence of extraterrestrial life on the Moon, on Mars, on the Martian Moon Phobos, the Moon of Saturn and Titan. Everything really leads us to think that we are absolutely not alone in our solar system and beyond.
Off-Limits, on the Moon, too many extraterrestrial bases. Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
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