Mysterious celestial body, travel next to the Sun and Moon; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
While he was using his telescope and infrared cameras, BruceSees All the famous UFO astronomer and observer, claims to have spotted a mysterious celestial body near the Sun for a long time. The celestial body was captured live as it traveled from the Sun to the Moon as we can see in the video below, then the space mysterious object became smaller and approached the moon as it was leaving the Solar System.
Although the object looks like a UFO, astronomer Bruce is convinced that this purple colored object is an asteroid or a small unknown celestial body that traveled in space between the Moon and the Sun. Many unidentified space objects have been spotted in the past months and it is no coincidence that meteorite impacts have increased. We will follow the evolution of BruceSees All’s investigations on this object that seems to have disappeared between the Sun and the Moon… Many strange things lurk in the maze of the infinite Universe, we do not know what is out there, but it is certain and safe that while we live a carefree and unaware of everything, life continues to proliferate in the Universe!
Mysterious celestial body, travel next to the Sun and Moon.
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