Extraterrestrial civilizations, there are at least 36 in our galaxy! Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
As reported by the tabloid The Guardian, new calculations present estimates relating to civilizations from other worlds able to communicate with each other. In fact, according to research and calculations made by astrophysicists, today there may be more than 30 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy capable of communicating with other planets. In 1961, astronomer Frank Drake proposed what became known as the Drake equation, establishing seven factors that should have been known to provide an estimate of the number of intelligent civilizations “out there”.
These factors varied between the average number of stars that form each year in the galaxy and the time period in which a civilization would send detectable signals. But some of the factors are measurable. “Estimates of Drake’s equation ranged from zero to a few billion civilizations. It is more a tool for thinking about questions than something that has really been resolved, “said Christopher Conselice, professor of astrophysics at the University of Nottingham and co-author of the new research. Prof. Conselice and his colleagues report in the Astrophysical Journal, how they perfected the equation with new data and hypotheses to present their estimates. “Basically, we speculated that intelligent life would have formed on other Earth-like planets like here . In other words, in a few billion years, life would automatically form as a natural part of evolution, “said the astronomer.
Experts say that the new work not only offers insights into the possibilities of life beyond Earth, but can also shed light on our future and thus appear in the cosmos. “I think it is extremely important and exciting because for the first time we really have an estimate of the number of intelligent and active civilizations in terms of communication, with which we could get in touch and find that there is other life in the universe,” he said. the scientist. Prof. Conselice added that although it is a speculative theory, he believes that Alien life would have similarities with life on Earth, even with regard to civilizations more evolved than ours. Under the narrowest set of premises, where, as on Earth, life forms would have appeared between 4.5 and 5.5 billion years after the formation of its stars, there are probably between four and 211 civilizations in the Milky Way today able to communicate with others, 36 is a more likely number, but certainly there are many more.
But Conselice observed that this is a conservative estimate, mainly because it is based on how long our own civilization has sent signals into space, a period of only 100 years. The team adds that our civilization would need to survive for at least 6,120 more years to establish two-way communication. “They would be very far away … 17,000 light years is our calculation for the closest one,” said Conselice. “If we found the closest things … that would mean that the life span of civilizations is over 100 or a few hundred years. It would indicate that an intelligent civilization can last thousands or millions of years. The closer we find, the better the long-term survival of our own civilization, “said the scientist. Professor Andrew Coates of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory. at University College London, he said that the hypotheses made by Conselice and colleagues are reasonable, but for now the search for life is likely to take place closer to home. “It’s an interesting result, but it will be impossible to test using current techniques,” he said. “In the meantime, research into whether we are alone in the universe will include visiting likely objects within our solar system, for example with our rover Rosalind Franklin on Mars, and future missions to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn Europa, Enceladus and Titan. It’s a fascinating time looking for life elsewhere, “concluded Coates.
Extraterrestrial civilizations, there are at least 36 in our galaxy!
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