A first contact, with stellar ambassadors, would also have taken place in Russia; Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
The first contact with a group of Gray aliens, a kind of Star Ambassadors, is said to have occurred not only in the United States in the 1950s but also in Russia and took place in 1942. At that time, a series of diplomatic visits took place to discuss planned matters of common interest, and according to alleged Russian documents, a treaty was drawn up.
Under Treaty 23/04 , these meetings would have taken place in secret. A limited number of special agents would accompany the visitors and meet only with high-ranking officials.
According to Document 072/E , at the 1961 meeting there was an incident involving 3 subjects due to treaty violation by officers at the military base, when it was discovered that the military themselves, had a hidden device to record the meeting, but without the consent of both the alien team and the KGB special agent team. According to Treaty 23/04 , the meetings would be confidential and therefore audio and photographic recordings of the meeting would not be allowed. After the incident, the treaty was revised and resumed, according to reports .
All this was reported by the independent newspaper inserbia.info and by Pravda, where precisely an article had been published on the news of an alleged “first contact” between a team of “gray aliens” and the Russian government, which allegedly took place in 1942. At that time, a series of diplomatic visits would take place to discuss matters of mutual interest and alleged “treaties” with a team of aliens. This would all be written down in a series of documents hidden by the KGB. In 1969 in the Sverdlovsky state, a UFO allegedly crashed and was recovered by the Russian military. There is an alleged video showing the recovery, with close-ups of the UFO impacted on the ground. Allegedly, there was a dead alien found in the flying saucer. The remains of the alien and debris from the UFO were taken to a secure Russian site, where it was analyzed and an autopsy performed on the alien.
According to the Russian newspaper “Pravda,” the KGB allegedly had a special unit designed to collect and monitor all information regarding mystical and unexplained phenomena reported inside and outside the Soviet Union. Also according to Pravda, General Ponomarnko, then commander-in-chief of the Ural Military District, had stated that the special unit affiliated with the KGB was also tasked with ensuring that the same intelligence agents were to be involved in the work pertaining to the UFO Crash, at all stages. The reports of the agents were promptly forwarded to Colonel Grigoriev, head of the KGB science department. According to Billy J. Booth who on About.com said that there are unsubstantiated reports that a UFO had crashed or/and been shot down near the town of Prohlandnyi, USSR on August 10, 1989. A Soviet military radar had locked on to an unidentified flying object, resulting in an unsuccessful attempt to contact the mystery craft. So the UFO was classified as “hostile” and Soviet Defense was alerted by flying MIG-25s to attempt to identify the UFO and shoot it down.
The alien craft, which was flying very slowly, was shot down. Once it had crashed, military intelligence personnel pruned into the impact site and saw that there was obvious damage to the exterior of the flying saucer. They said that the recovery team should have worn protective outer clothing and then moved to the site where the UFO had impacted the ground. There was a small amount of radiation and some team members attempted to perform analysis.
A helicopter would go to the crash site where the UFO was transported to Mozdok Air force Base. The Russians entered the UFO and discovered three bodies, two dead aliens, one barely alive.
A team of doctors and other medical personnel made every effort to keep the alien alive, but failed. All three beings were about 6 feet tall, with gray skin. Underneath their skin, which was a blue-green color, they appeared to have reptilian-like tissue. Perhaps they were Reptilian Gray Aliens, similar to the mummies recently found in Peru, near Cusco and Nazca?
Not surprisingly, these beings did not have hair, but had large black eyes covered by a thin protective film and their fingers and arms were long and thin with three fingers per limb. The alien bodies were stored in glass containers and the UFO would be taken to the Kapustin Yar Cosmo drome. This information has been reported by three Russian researchers, Anton Anfalov, Lenura Azizova and Alexander Mosolov, who say they are convinced of the existence of Top Secret documents of the KGB, where they testify the incident. However the three researchers were not able to get any documentation to support their story.
A first contact, with stellar ambassadors, would also have taken place in Russia
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