Earth Hollow Theory: Is It Possible?
The Earth hollow theory encompasses various ideas proposed by thinkers throughout history, suggesting that our planet could be hollow inside. Some believe there are concentric layers beneath Earth’s surface, possibly inhabited or habitable.
Since ancient times, numerous theories have referenced subterranean kingdoms—real or symbolic. These ideas have inspired the Greek underworld, Norse mythology’s Svartálfaheimr, and the Sheol of Jewish tradition or Christian Hell. Although largely debunked by the 20th century, these ideas continued to thrive, with fresh “revelations” adding new twists to old theories.
Scientific Viewpoint: Gravitational Anomalies
One of the most significant objections comes from gravitational theory. Newton’s spherical shell theorem explains that within a hollow sphere, gravitational force would be zero. A person inside the hollow Earth would experience weightlessness.
However, hollow Earth theorists propose that advanced civilizations live deep within our planet. These beings supposedly possess cutting-edge technologies, including flying discs, often associated with UFO sightings.
Admiral Richard Byrd: The Intriguing Testimony
One of the most compelling stories supporting this theory comes from Admiral Richard Byrd. In the 1920s, Byrd became famous for flying over both poles. But hollow Earth supporters claim his most extraordinary journey occurred on February 19, 1947. Allegedly, Byrd entered a tunnel at the North Pole, piloting his plane into a hidden, subterranean world.
Once inside, Byrd reportedly encountered alien beings, whom he referred to as the “Guardians of the Planet.” These entities expressed concern about humanity’s misuse of nuclear power—just after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Byrd was allegedly sworn to secrecy by the U.S. government, and his account was later revealed in his “secret diary,” published in the 1990s.
Could Hollow Earth Be True?
The hollow Earth theory continues to fascinate despite scientific disproof. Admirers cite historical accounts and alleged eyewitness testimonies, while skeptics point to a lack of physical evidence. What remains clear is that this theory fuels imagination and inspires many to question what lies beneath our feet.
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